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“This is one of the most amazing opportunities I have done in my Air Cadet career” Last weekend Sergeant Harry Vardy, from 2195 (Long Eaton) Squadron, was the first cadet this year at 644 volunteer gliding school to successfully land his first solo circuit in the vigilant aircraft gain his Silver Gliding Wings. The journey started just 8 weeks prior to his first solo flight and not only involved practical gliding lessons but also involved a large amount of theory learning in a classroom environment. Every Saturday at the Gliding School, Sergeant Vardy would complete between 4 and 8 launches, weather depending. During these launches he learnt basic controls of the aircraft, how to use thermals to maintain altitude and most importantly and most challengingly to him how to successfully launch and land the aircraft. As Sergeant Vardy became more competent in controlling the aircraft, he began practicing his gliding circuits… Read More »
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