Commandant Enrolls New Cadets at 1936 Newton Squadron

Cadets were inspected by Air Cdre McCafferty and French dignitaries
On Saturday 6th April 1936 Newton Royal Air Force Air Cadets welcomed Air Commodore Dawn McCafferty to the unit to oversee the enrolment parade of a recent intake of new recruits.
After completing six months of training 22 cadet had the honour of being enrolled by South and East Midlands Wing Padre, Mr John Hewer accompanied by Squadron Padre, Rev. Fred Connell.
Also in attendance were dignitaries from the French Air Force, currently being hosted in the UK by Air Cdre McCafferty, whilst they are undertaking research to further develop a fledging French Air Cadet Corps.
In addition to presenting the 22 newly enrolled cadets with numerous certificates and awards Air Cdre McCafferty also formally opened the new flight simulator facility on the squadron. The Cadets, ably supported by the Squadron Civilian Committee, have carried out fundraising activities throughout the last eighteen months to enable two flight simulators to be built to aid flying training on the unit.

Enrolment by Mr John Hewer and Rev. Fred Connell
Wing Commander Pass, Officer Commanding South and East Midlands Wing, was then invited to open the Flt Lt Joe Clark RAF VRT Heritage Classroom. Flt Lt Clark served on 1936 Newton Squadron from 1991 to 2012, firstly as Commanding Officer to 1995 and then as a Civilian Instructor until his retirement in October 2012. Prior to being at 1936 Newton Squadron he was at 1260 Newark Squadron firstly as a CI from November 1967, before becoming a Warrant Officer in 1972, then taking his Commission in 1974 and then being promoted Flight Lieutenant Clark when he was appointed as Officer Commanding of 1260 Newark Squadron from 1976 to 1991. Flt Lt Clark received his 40 years Long Service Certificate on 5th November 2008.

Wg Cdr Pass opens the Flt Lt Joe Clark RAF VRT Heritage Classroom
Flt Lt Clark was an exemplary gentleman who dedicated many years to training cadets. Flt Lt Clark sadly passed away in 2017, though his widow, Audrey and daughter Rachel, were in attendance for the dedication.
Officer Commanding 1936 Newton Squadron, Fg Off Daniel Finch, said, “I could not be any prouder of cadets in attendance today, they have all approached their training with exceptional effort and commitment, which is evident in the high standards displayed by all today.”

Three screen flight simulator

Cadets show squadron visitors the flight simulator controls